Saturday 16 May 2015

Bora Houba

Bora , a famous traditional snack is widely popular throughout Manipur as well as in other states of India. In other state it is called as “Pakora”. Though the concept of making  bora and pokora may be same but there is some uniqueness  in Manipuri bora. Because many different types of vegetable are used while making it. See the difference by making yourself.

        Serving: 4 person
        Preparation time: 20 min

     Besan 150g (prepare from chickpea)
     Edible oil 250ml
     1 tsp zeera masala
     ½ tsp haldi powder
     ½ tsp chilli powder
     ¼ baking soda (optional)
     Slice potato
     Slice brinjal
     Slice onion
     Slice pumpkin
     Salt to taste

1.       Take a bowl
2.       Take besan in a bowl, add all the ingredient and mix well
3.       Now pour water in it and make batter of the mixture so that you can dip those slice vegetable.
4.       Heat oil in a pan
5.       When oil become hot, dip all the vegetable in the batter and fry in the oil.
6.       After deep fry take out in a basket

Take a plate and put all the fry Bora in it. Now garnished with chopped vegetable, onion or spring onion. You can also eat with green chilli. Mouth watering bora is ready.

You can used many vegetable apart from which I have mention above. Like cabbage, cauliflower, maroi nakupi (allium odorum) etc which are found in manipur.

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