Saturday 16 May 2015

Herbs and medicinal plants used in Manipuri dishes

Every dishes of each state or country  has its own unique specialty, a very unique taste and a very different way of cooking. Manipur also has its own way of cooking. Manipur dishes are full with healthy food. Different types of herbs and some medicinal plant were used while making dishes, dishes are incomplete without them.

Highlighting  those herbs are required so that everyone knows it. So here are some of the herbs and medicinal plant used in Manipuri dishes:

1.       Peruk ( Indian Penny wort)-
Medicinal plant known from ancient time. Helping to retard aging process, good for brain etc

 Dishes where it is used: peruk kangshu,morok metpa, singju, champhut etc

2.       Sa maroi or awa phadigom (thorny coriander)-
It is reach in calcium, iron, carotene and riboflabin. It helps to combate fevers, stimulate appetite, improve digestion and stomach pain.

Dishes where is used: yen thoungba (chicken curry), fish curry, sagol hawai thongba (black Dal), mairen thongba (pumpkin curry) etc

3.       Nungsihidak (mint)-
Mint is very useful for improving oral health. It cleanses the mouth and prevent oral ulcer. Mint refreshes the body and arrest cough.

Dishes where it is used: nungsihidak kandsoi (mint stew), khamen kanghou, khajing kanghou, morok metpa etc.

4.       Mayangton (Haori Basil):
Mayangton is  an herbal remedy for diseases related to the brain, heart, lungs, bladder, and kidneys.

Dishes where it is used: mairen thongba, erolba, sebot kanghou, morok metpa, bora etc.

5.       Tuningkhok (chameleon plant)-
The whole plant is antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antimicrbial, antiphlogistic, antiviral, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, laxative and ophthalmic. A decoction is used internally in the treatment of many ailments including cancer, coughs, dysentery, enteritis and fever. Its use is said to strengthen the immune system.

Dishes where it is used: it is mainly used for a garnishing purpose in dishes and snacks like erolba, morok amet, cheng asuba etc.

6.       Phukpai (false mint)-
It is also used as a garnishing purposes in laphu erolba, morok ametpa. Its taste is just good and smells so sweet.

There are also lots of herbs and medicinal plant apart from which are mention above . If it goes on mentioning  it than I think it will be too many. Those mention are the common herbs used by Manipuri  people for everyday in day today life.

Bora Houba

Bora , a famous traditional snack is widely popular throughout Manipur as well as in other states of India. In other state it is called as “Pakora”. Though the concept of making  bora and pokora may be same but there is some uniqueness  in Manipuri bora. Because many different types of vegetable are used while making it. See the difference by making yourself.

        Serving: 4 person
        Preparation time: 20 min

     Besan 150g (prepare from chickpea)
     Edible oil 250ml
     1 tsp zeera masala
     ½ tsp haldi powder
     ½ tsp chilli powder
     ¼ baking soda (optional)
     Slice potato
     Slice brinjal
     Slice onion
     Slice pumpkin
     Salt to taste

1.       Take a bowl
2.       Take besan in a bowl, add all the ingredient and mix well
3.       Now pour water in it and make batter of the mixture so that you can dip those slice vegetable.
4.       Heat oil in a pan
5.       When oil become hot, dip all the vegetable in the batter and fry in the oil.
6.       After deep fry take out in a basket

Take a plate and put all the fry Bora in it. Now garnished with chopped vegetable, onion or spring onion. You can also eat with green chilli. Mouth watering bora is ready.

You can used many vegetable apart from which I have mention above. Like cabbage, cauliflower, maroi nakupi (allium odorum) etc which are found in manipur.

Friday 15 May 2015

Singju ( Manipuri veg salad)

Singju consist of many different types of vegetable that's why it can be called as salad. No oil only vegetable. Its is also a very common popular Manipuri snack for everyone and for every ages. Consider it as a side dish or snack, people love to eat in any form.

Serving: 3 person
Preparation time: 20 min (including chopping of vegetables)

Chopped cabbage
Chopped green papaya
Chopped dry banana  stem
Chopped komprek (drop work)
Chopped lotus root
¼ Finely chopped ginger (for taste and aroma)
 Roasted fermented fish 1 piece
½ tsp chilli powder
2-3 tsp grind sesame seed
3-4 tsp grind roasted pea
Salt to taste

1.       Take a plate
2.       Mixed all the chopped vegetable in same quantity
3.       Add fermented fish, ginger, chilli powder, sesame seed, roasted pea and salt to taste and mix well. But you have  to keep in mind that you should not put too many salt like you put in dishes.

By following the above process you can make your singju and is ready to eat. You can eat it with bora and paknam.

According to your desire you can make singju with only green papaya or chopped dry banana stem leaving behind all other vegetable. But rest of the ingredient should be put.

Peruk Kangshu

Peruk is a name of a plant which is widely found in Manipur. It is regarded as a medicinal plant in our society since olden age. Using this medicinal plant Manipur have prepare a side dish with soaked roasted pea. Tasty and healthy.

   Serving: 4 person
   Preparation time: 30 min  

     Peruk 200 g (Indian Pennywort)
     Soaked pea 150g
     Chilli powder 2 tsp
     Roasted fermented fish 5-6 some dry fish to increase taste(optional)
     Salt to taste
     Chopped tuningkhok (chameleon plant)
     Chopped spring onion
     Chopped coriander

1.       Boil peruk in a close container with 3 glass of water for 10 min
2.       Until it cooked well, you can roasted pea in a dry pan until partially brown and keep aside to cool down
3.       After peruk is well cook, drain out the water
4.       Let it cool down for 2 min and squeeze out water from it
5.       Chopped the peruk into smaller size in a bowl and keep aside
6.       Add roasted pea, fermented fish, dry fish, chilli powder and salt in the grinder and grind well
7.       Take out the mixture from the grinder and add together with chopped peruk and mix it well

Take out in a plate , garnish with coriander leaf, spring onion and fish herb. Peruk kangshu is ready to serve with sougri or kangsoi (veg stew).

Cheng Asuba (roasted rice)

“Cheng asuba” or “kupshu” or “ahabi”, though it has different namebut  it is known to all Manipuri is one of the most popular snacks among manipur people. Young or old all love to eat, even I like it very much whenever I got time I made and eat. It can also be regarded as a healthy snack because it is oil less.

Serving: 4 person
Preparation time: 30 min(max)

      Rice 250 g
      Roasted fermented fish 6-7 large piece
      Some dry fish
      2 tsp red chilli powder
      Chopped coriander
      Chopped spring onion
      Chopped tuningkhok (fish herb)

1.       Roasted the rice in a dry pan until it change its colour to partially brown
2.       Put all the ingredient i.e. roasted rice, dry fish, fermented fish, chilli powder and salt in a blender until it is grind into smaller unit
3.       Slowly pour it out in a bowl.

Mixed with all the chopped coriander leaf, spring onion and fish herb. Now, manipur famous snack is ready to serve with your friend and family.